Tag: free ebook


Information at What Price? Exploring fee-based e-content

In pursuit of a paid model for content, many businesses offer newsletters for a fee or ebooks. These models offer pros and cons. Some organizations send out two newsletters: fee and free. The free version has the basic, watered-down contents found in the fee version to entice readers into wanting more and paying for it. But is it worth the time and energy to do this?

Ebooks are also a way for businesses to make money. But do they sell when it’s been proven that people prefer reading printed copy to electronic text? Read on to hear from several experts in the field about what people are willing to pay for and whether or not offering fee-based content is right for your organization.

<strong>Too much information!</strong>

Considering there are so many free newsletters and information out there, why should readers shell out the dough for these premium newsletters? Reading online is harder on the eyes because of the light emitted from the monitor. People overcome this by printing out the newsletter.

I can’t hazard a guess on how many free newsletters are out there. So why would a person pay for a fee-based newsletter? Jenna Glatzer, editor-in-chief of AbsoluteWrite.com, says, “You have to offer something different and better than what the free newsletters are doing. Personally, I wouldn’t pay for newsletters that are just for entertainment, but I do have paid subscriptions to a handful of newsletters that are specific to my line of work and appropriate for my level (not beginner). A paid newsletter that has all the same sorts of free-reprint articles that all the other sites have won’t work. You must find a corner of the market that no one has claimed yet and be the most reliable source of information on it.”

Joan Stewart, publisher of The Publicity Hound, started her subscription newsletter seven years ago, long before there was as much information on the Internet as there is today. She says, “Content must be king. If you can supply good content that can’t be found elsewhere, and it’s well-written and easy to read, and leads readers in other directions where they can find even more info than they could possibly need, you will keep your customers happy.

“If I had it to do over again, I would have never started my subscription newsletter. It started as an 8-page print newsletter, but the postage and printing costs were killing me,” she says. “About two years ago, I reverted from a print newsletter to a PDF document. It’s in the same format, but it’s now emailed to customers. My free ezine, The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week, is still far more profitable, several hundredfold, than the subscription newsletter.”

<strong>Charging for ebooks</strong>

Considering there are no printing and paper costs to the publisher for ebooks, how can they charge as much as they do for them? Higher prices equal higher perceived value. However, I’ve seen many ebooks cost more than a paperback, and the content isn’t always better quality than print. Yet, they sell.

What justifies the higher cost of ebooks when there are no printing costs involved with them? Christopher Knight, publisher of Ezine-Tips, says, “What justifies the higher cost of ebooks when there are no printing costs involved with them? Christopher Knight, publisher of Ezine-Tips, says, ‘That would be a fallacy in perception logic because the printing cost is not relevant to the market perception of a paperback versus an ebook. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that some people even value an ebook as higher value than a paperback because they can take their data with them on a personal notebook computer, whereas it’s hard to travel with a pile of paperback books.'”

Glatzer points out that whether a piece is written in print or ebook format, it is the same amount of work for the writer. “Of course, ebooks have a smaller market, so the problem is that if the ebook is priced very low, it won’t be worth it for the writer to spend the time writing and promoting the book.”

If it is worth it, however, ebooks provide many benefits to those who download them: The readers aren’t taxed, don’t incur shipping costs and don’t need gas money to go to the bookstore. As soon as people buy your ebook, they instantly download it and have it in their “e-hands.”

Stewart says, “The biggest justification is that the information is immediate. If a customer wants information NOW, they can get it NOW, and they’re often willing to pay the hefty price. My ebook, How to Be a Kick-Butt Publicity Hound, sells for $97. The most I could expect to get for the same book in hardcover is about $25. Another justification for the higher priced ebooks is that live links in the ebooks take visitors directly to Web sites with related content.”

<strong>E-format versus print format</strong>

Research on ebooks indicates people still prefer paper over ebooks. What’s the point of pursuing ebooks and fee-based newsletters? Glatzer shares her experience.

“I’ve written two ebooks and 14 print books, so that shows you where my bread and butter comes from. However, I had my newsletter first. It was thriving, yet I had nothing to sell my readers. I was barely breaking even with advertising costs and often paying hosting fees out of pocket. I’d received so many letters from readers asking for advice about how to do what I had done — make a living writing for magazines — and finally decided to write a book about it. I knew I had a built-in audience among my subscribers. The ebook sold well, but my goal was to take it to print. When a publisher made an offer on it, I took it out of circulation as an e-book and expanded it for the print publisher. That became Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer, and the print book has far outsold the ebook.

“The second was a niche book for greeting card writers and artists. It contained market info for just that field, so it was such a specialized book that I didn’t go after conventional publishers for it. Plus, the time factor was crucial: contact info changes so often that I wanted to get the book out ASAP, and I wanted to be able to update it when needed. I briefly had it out as a print-on-demand book, but I took it off the market as soon as it became dated and just continued selling it as an ebook.

“Since then, I’ve stuck to conventional publishing and just a few giveaway ebooks for publicity. But I think the market for ebooks is decent if you have a specialized topic and a built-in audience.”

Based on Glatzer’s experience, when you have a free newsletter, you already have an audience … unless you try to sell a book on home makeovers to your audience that subscribes to your pets newsletter!

<strong>Timely matters</strong>

Ebooks have an advantage over print in that their content is up-to-date and piping hot. If something changes, it’s quick and easy to modify the ebook and put the new version up for sale. The publishing process for printed books can be a lengthy one.

Time can impact content depending on the topic. Some industries such as sports and history have experienced little or no change in over a decade, while others like technology are moving at megahertz speed.

By the time an author of a book related to software writes it, and the publisher prints it, a new version of the software is available, rendering the brand-new book outdated. However, many users don’t upgrade every version, as this stings the cash flow. Often, tips and steps given in books covering earlier versions of software are applicable to the newer version.

Knight suggests selling in both formats (print and ebook); that way all your bases are covered and you reach more channels for the same product.

<strong>eContent = lower quality?</strong>

M.J. Rose, Wired columnist and author of both print and electronic books, has commented that people thought she wasn’t a real author when she published her ebook. For some, ebooks are “bottom-feeders” in the world of publishing. They see such content as lower quality and without prestige.

I have a folder of all the books I’ve collected through reviewer duties and as free downloads. I haven’t read 10 percent of them. However, it could be a different story when you pay for an ebook. Knowing that you bought the book might force you to read it. But then again, I have shelves of printed books that I have yet to read.

Why would I want to buy ebooks and let them rot on my hard drive where I naturally save them after downloading them? Same reason for printed books? I don’t think so, because you can see and touch them. It’s easier to scan printed pages than to scroll electronic books.

<strong>Fee-based newsletters</strong>

Most of the fee-based newsletters I’ve seen have a free newsletter distributed by the same people. Organizations use the free newsletter to entice readers into subscribing to the fee-based newsletter. Like Glatzer says, you’re establishing credibility with your audience through the free newsletter, and when they see another offering from you, they might jump at it. Glatzer publishes Absolute Write, free Absolute Markets and Absolute Markets Premium Edition newsletters. Free Absolute Markets comes out every other week and the premium edition comes out in between those issues.

Glatzer explains the difference between the free and premium editions. The free markets contains a small sampling, about 10 markets covering mainly magazine-related work plus contest listings or an article in alternating issues. The premium edition has many jobs and lists markets for various types of writing including international markets. It also includes interviews with magazine editors and an in-depth look at a high profile magazine on a monthly basis. She also lists calls for writers from editors who know her and those calls won’t be found anywhere else online.

Glatzer decided to offer the fee-based newsletter because there wasn’t anything like the Absolute Markets Premium Edition with its 50 pages of markets. She believed that a $15 fee for a yearly subscription more than pays itself if writers land one assignment from the newsletter’s resources. Furthermore, it saves the writers’ time spent searching for job listings. In determining what to charge, Glatzer and her colleagues researched what publishers charged for similar newsletters in other fields such as casting calls for actors.

In determining how much to charge for her fee-based newsletter, Stewart asked herself, “How much would I be willing to pay?” The Publicity Hound, her eight-paged, bi-monthly, fee-based subscription newsletter costs $9 per issue or $49.95 for a one-year subscription (six issues) and has more single-copy buyers than subscribers.

<strong>Selling ebooks and fee-based newsletters</strong>

If you decide to sell ebooks and newsletters for a fee, Glatzer recommends getting lots of reviews and interviews for ebooks. For newsletters, she says, “I think you need to establish credibility by offering free samples first. Make it easy for people to subscribe by offering multiple payment options.”

Joan Stewart promotes articles in the fee-based newsletter in almost every issue of the free ezine. She also uses auto responder messages for people who buy single copies. About a week after the purchase, they receive a message thanking them for their order and asking if they would like to subscribe. Stewart shares her list of what works and what doesn’t work when selling ebooks and fee-based newsletters:

<b>What works:</b>
<li>The product must be content-rich.</li>
<li>It must include lots of links to other resources.</li>
<li>Even if it includes hotlinks to other products, it must cover topics that readers would be interested in.</li>
<li>The product must be top-quality, which means free of typos, and it must be easy to read. (16-point type for ebooks.) </li>

<b>What doesn’t work</b>:
<li> Information that’s outdated. Special reports and ebooks must be updated at least once a year. I have a special report called “Fly High with Publicity in In-flight Magazines.” It includes contact info for 30 in-flight magazines. It’s a real pain to update this annually, but readers will jump down my throat if I don’t.</li>
<li> Products that are little more than sales pitches for other things the author sells (consulting services, etc.).</li>
<li>Products that don’t promise what they deliver.</li>
<li>Lousy customer service. Buyers expect a human being to reply to their email messages or answer the phone if they have problems downloading the product, or other concerns. I have bought ebooks from some well-known Internet marketers who refuse to return my phone calls when I call them for help. I no longer buy from those people. </li>

Steer clear of joining discussion groups solely for spamming the list about your ebook or newsletters. “It irritates the heck out of people,” Glatzer says.

She promotes her fee-based newsletter through advertising in other writing-related ezines and some paid Google ads; she also advertises it in her own free newsletters, and she sponsors writing contests and conferences in exchange for newsletter mentions. Glatzer says, “We do a lot of promotion for the site and all newsletters in general; people subscribe to our free newsletters for a while, so they can determine we’re worth the bucks!”

Fee-based newsletters are out there and won’t go away soon. Authors churn out ebooks every day in spite of data supporting that people heavily prefer print over electronic versions. Ebooks prices continue to equal or surpass printed books.

Knight ends the discussion. “The best will survive and rise to the top as they always naturally do, while those who don’t step up to the plate and innovate like mad will get left in the digital dust.” Amen.

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Newbies Tips, Definitions, Download pages, and E-books

Here are two of the most common questions from Newbies. One is technical the other is Marketing related.

IS A….

COMPUTER: That thing thatís really clever but doesnít understand anything you tell it to do! It looks like a TV, but if you spend enough time in front of it, you will make money from it.
ISP: Internet Service Provider
SERVER: A computer that stores web page files and makes them available to the internet.
DNS: Domain Name Server, The address of the server, it looks like this ###.###.###.### or this, NS1.XXXXXXXX.COM (XXX = a word, and ### = a number)
DOMAIN:Is a unique set of characters used to identify a piece of cyberspace. These characters are called a ëDOMAIN NAMEí, NO TWO CAN BE THE SAME. They look like MMM.XXXXXX.com/net/web,etc..( MMM = www)
PARKED DOMAIN:A Domain name that has been registered but hasnít been HOSTED.
HOSTING: The service that provides a SERVER for a DOMAIN.

So we can see that a DOMAIN can be HOSTED on a SERVER and then files can be added to the ëDOMAINí and this will give you aÖ..

WEBSITE: All the files hosted on a server and are available on the internet using the unique ëDOMAIN NAMEí
WEBPAGE: Any ONE of the Files (pages) on a WEBSITE they each have an NAME that comes after the DOMAIN NAME. Like this; MMM.XXXX.com/NAME
URL: The address of any WEBPAGE
HTML: Is the base language from which web pages are made.

Here are two of the most common questions from Newbies. One is technical the other is Marketing related.

How do I make my hyperlink open in a new window and why do I want that to happen?

HEREîS HOW in response to a question I received recently about creating a ëDownload pageí
It answers the above questions and gives some other valuable tips.

TIP #1
Hi, I clicked on your XXXXX link and found that it worked fine. However, it loaded the XXXXX page in the same window as yours, so I was taken away from your download page, very inconvenient for someone trying to download.

To fix it do this: Add ìtarget=_blankî into the code after the URL. Make sure you save your original page first and work on a copy, then when your copy is done upload it and test it, then save it as the original on your desk top, then upload the new original to your server. Done!

(In this example I use [ ] instead of V brackets, to make this publishable.)

Tip #2

Hereís a friendly way make prospects SAVE YOUR EBOOK full of your links on their computer.
If you don’t do this they might just look at the ebook in their browser and then close it. You will have lost them maybe for ever, but if you made them save it onto their hard drive; you will always get another chance, even if they remove themselves from your mailing list. The links are still in the E book on their computer, and who knows when they might open it again and go click!

HEREíS HOW: Just use this as a guide.

Step Two: “NAME OF THE EBOOK” ëRight Click Hereí and select ‘Save Target as’ or ‘Save Link as’ (Mozilla) option from the pop-up window to download the eBook. Then Save the eBook to a location on your hard drive where you can easily find it. Make a note of the location that you’ve saved it to so you can easily access it again in the future.

NOTE: Add the “target=_blank” code to the “right click here” link, so that if they just left click and load to their browser at least your download page (with a link back to home) is still on their desk top!


Adding “target=_blank” to all links on a home page will keep the home page on the prospects desk top for as long as possible this will increase the chances of a sign up!

WARNING!!! DONíT use the code to open a new window on links back to your home page this will just annoy people.
Below, is a complete template for a typical download page. I have used ëí to indicate the hyperlinks. You should use ìtarget=_blankî on all links except the one that takes them home.


Step One: You will need XXsoftwareXX to read the E-book. If you do not have it installed on your computer, Please ëCLICK HEREí to get the software.

Step Two: “NAME OF THE EBOOK” ëRight Click Hereí and select ‘Save Target as’ or ‘Save Link as’ (Mozilla) option from the pop-up window to download the eBook.

Step Three: Save the eBook to a location on your hard drive where you can find it easily. Make a note of the location where you saved it, so that you can easily access it again in the future.

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PDF to Success while Selling E-books

Learn why giving away PDF’s can boost your Ebook website sales.
Having a successful online E-book business means more than just selling E-books. It means giving the customer great value, great quality, and gaining their trust by giving away valuable information in free PDF files.

So, what is a PDF file? A PDF file is a computer file type that stands for portable document format. Essentially it gives people a free way to share articles and documents, so that everyone can read them on any type of computer. Youíll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read PDFís. Nowadays most people have this free reader already installed on their systems. PDFís also offer the advantage that they are indexed by search engines, as they look at PDFís as more valuable than web content. So, it is likely that the more PDFís you have, the easier it will be for customers to find your site.

By giving away free PDF files that contain valuable information, you automatically build trust into your products. Your prospective customers will very likely have to pay for the information in your PDFís elsewhere, so they feel that they are getting a deal. Furthermore, PDFís help to potentially mass market your website, because they are free to be passed around. PDFís can be emailed and distributed around the internet, so if there is valuable information in them, it is highly likely they will spread like wildfire, through emails, groups, chat rooms and web forums. This viral effect of PDF distribution has a huge potential to help drive tons of traffic to your website.

Lastly, try using the concept of delivering more than your product promises. After one has purchased your product, offer them an unexpected free PDF that includes information that has high value. This will build in greater customer satisfaction and people will likely spread the word.

Wishing you Success!

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Information for sale

Every day millions of people worldwide search for answers to certain questions, search for various information that will help them make their lives better. It is the same need as the need for food. It means that if there is such a need, a person will satisfy it once it becomes possible. If you can answer some questions or know how to improve people’s lives, why not take money for it? Actually, what is money? It is a form of gratitude from people for something useful they acquired. Once you do something useful for people ñ get gratitude in return.

What will people pay money for? For getting all the necessary information and answers to their questions here and now. They will not have to spend time on searching ñ everything they need will be offered in one information file. That is why when you create an information product, you should keep in mind that since a person uses a product, he or she must get all answers to all questions the solution for which the product offers.
It will be better if the product is focused on answering some big question. For example, ´how to lose extra weight?ª, ´how to feel confident in any situation?ª, ´how to achieve your goals?ª, ´how to become a leader?ª, ´how to find or create your own business?ª, ´how to start your business on the Internet?ª, ´how to write a book?ª etc. Of course, you should write about what you understand, what you are successful in and what you are interested in. So, when you choose a subject you are going to write about, take your own abilities and interests as a basis. Otherwise the reader will feel that the author is not competent and the product will most probably be a failure.

How to turn information into a commercial product? Of course, it is better to make all information in the form of an electronic book. In this case, a book is nothing, but a metaphor. It can be either a set of text pages with pictures or an interactive course with questionnaires and tests. For the potential buyer not to be afraid of cheating and to have no doubts about what he is paying money for, it is better to let him read a couple of chapters from the book for free, but ask him to pay for the rest of the book. Free chapters should help the reader in his question at once because it is by these chapters that the buyer will determine how useful the book is and consequently whether it is worth buying. As a result, it will be only one file available to be downloaded for free from the website. And you will only have to attract visitors who will download the book and pay for the registration key and access to the entire contents of the book. And remember about statistics: a satisfied client will on average recommend the product to seven other people, while an unsatisfied client will recommend that they not use it.

So, we get the following system:
– a visitor visits a website.
– the website describes questions/problems and explains that the solution is in the book that can be downloaded for evaluation free of charge
– the visitor downloads the book and looks through its free part
– the reader finds the book useful and makes a purchase

So, we need the following for the system to function:
– the website should attract the visitor and help him download the book
– the free part of the book should start solving the problem and involve the reader into the solution process to continue which he will have to pay money

It is recommended to create commercial books with the program eBook Maestro PRO. It has a lot of advantages. First, it creates books right out of HTML pages. Second, the final book is a standalone application that does not require any additional programs. Third, the program can set limitations for unregistered users. Forth, it supports the system of online activation that prevents registration keys from being distributed. Fifth, it protects information from being stolen and modified. Sixth, it allows you to customize any part of the book interface the way you want it. And much more.

Good luck to you and lots of sales!

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Why should you protect your eBook?

With so many people beginning to realize the value in writing and creating an eBook, there comes along another kind of personÖthe eBook pirate! They, too, see the value behind eBooks and the income potential, but they also know that most eBook writers have one fatal flaw.

They don’t protect their eBooks from theft!

Imagine you are walking around town pulling a small wagon. This is no ordinary wagon, but it is a wagon filled with gold coins! Everyone notices you and wants to talk to you, take their picture with you, and so on. Most people just marvel at your boldness to walk around like you do. You had to work hard to get all these coins and you want to show them to everyone.

Well, every so often, when you don’t realize it, someone takes a handful of coins. It’s only a little at a time, so you barely even notice, and even when you do, you don’t think much of it because there’s still so much more left.

At the end of the day, to your dismay, you look back and see that only a few coins are left!! You’ve been getting ripped off all day long and, now, what you had worked so hard for is gone! To make matters worse, you see lots of other people with their own wagons, pulling along their gold coins!

This is what happens when you don’t protect your eBook. Did you know that when you write an eBook it is your copyrighted property and no one can take it legally? But people do it all the time. If you just publish your eBook in a MS Word file or even a PDF file, you are like the poor fellow and his wagon of gold. People can take info from these files and turn around and pretend it belongs to them!

Now, what if this wagon-puller had an attack dog with him that prevented people from stealing his gold? Do you think anyone in their right mind would take any? Well, a few might try, but they’d soon realize that there is no point. The pain outweighs the gain.

The same goes for eBooks. Find a way to protect your eBooks and you’ll stop getting ripped off by eBook thieves!

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Learn why over 80% of all e-Books that come with reproduction rights are worthless.

If you’re an entrepreneur looking for a product to sell, I bet you’ve considered buying an E-Book with reproduction rights, or maybe even a set of E-Books with reproduction rights.

For those of you not familiar with what an E-Book is, an E-Book is simply an electronic book (E-Book) that is transferred to you within an electronic file and you read it directly from your computer. The concept is great, and there are many great E-Books out there, however there are also many useless E-Books out there as well.

If you were to look at 10 advertisements offering E-Books with reproduction rights, it is very likely that most (probably 8 or more) of these offers have products that are either:

1) Severely out-of-date. In this popular scenario, the vendor will typically sell you an informational product that has been floating around the Internet for far too long. As a result, the information is typically out-of-date and worthless. Another common practice is to attach a new enticing title to old content and try to sell it as new material.

2) Hidden advertisements with very little actual content. This scenario is also very popular and is beginning to appear much more often. Here the vendor sells a new (or what looks to be new) informational product. There is usually a flashy title that seems like it would have a high degree of marketability. However, once you read through the content, you notice that the information is simply an advertisement directing you to other money making offers.

The typical marketing ploy that you will find associated with E-Books promises to sell you a collection of the hottest-selling E-Books with full reproduction rights that allow you to reproduce (copy) and resell the product. The term “reproduction rights” sounds very valuable to a beginning entrepreneur. The mere thought of having a ready-made product which you do not have to continuously purchase is very enticing. However, in many situations, this is just a ploy to get you to purchase the product. Why would you want reproduction and resale rights to out-dated material, or a big book of advertisements?

The real goal in Internet marketing is to make your customers happy. Why? First, it’s the ethical thing to do, and second, because happy customers are repeat customers. To be successful in Internet marketing, you really need to have repeat customers that value your service and trust the quality of the products you offer. So don’t promote anything that you don’t have confidence in – make your customers happy and they will continue to buy from you, which will make you happy!

How Can You Find the “Good” E-Books?

Study the market and product carefully when buying E-Books (or any info course) for informational or resale purposes. If you’re thinking about buying a particular E-Book, try going to Google and typing in the name of the E-Book, along with the author name and the word “forum”. Then run your search.

Here’s an example of what you could type into Google for your search:

“John’s Excellent Car Tips” “John Smith” forum

You can also try these additional search strings:

“ever tried” or “ever used” or “anyone tried” or “anyone used”

Google will then return listings that match the above criteria. Many of these listings will be forums (one of your search words). These forums typically contain real users (not advertisers) discussing the product. This is great way to get unbiased feedback of a particular product. If the product is offering resell rights, you’ll typically find the users discussing that as well. You can also use one of the additional search strings (like “ever tried”) listed above. This will increase your chances of finding a forum question that is asking if anyone “ever tried” the product.

Keep in mind, there are some awesome E-Book publishers out there. In fact, I buy E-Books on all sorts of marketing topics on a weekly basis – and I have been doing so for years. If I don’t know the author, I will use the same technique described above to research the author/product. However, you can run into someone that doesn’t have much exposure but still has a great product, so you may not find out much about them in your research. But it is still very valuable to know that there isn’t any negative information about them floating around the net.

Remember, E-Books can be some of the best learning tools if the information is up-to-date, accurate and useful. And there are many of these types of E-Books out there; you just need to do a little research to find them. Once you find an E-Book that has proved to be useful to you, inquire with the other on an arrangement to allow you to sell the E-Book to others. The author may very well have an affiliate program where you can advertise their E-Book and make a percentage of the profit on each sale.

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Why Market ebooks?

Why market ebooks? The internet is awash with all kinds of ebooks. Ebooks about cooking, Ebooks about cleaning,child rearing, golf, cars,prescription drugs and anything else you can think of. Some are long. Hundreds of pages. Some are short. Ten pages or even less.

With all these ebooks out there surely everything has been written about every topic right?

Of course not. Even if another ebook has the same information yours does no one else has your perspective, your style, your voice. Whatever you write about, your ebook will be uniquely yours.

Only you know what you think and feel about a topic. Only you can put it together in your own special way. Your ebook is personal. It’s your take on whatever.

So why not publish a traditional paper book. Well you can. If you choose a topic the publisher is looking for. If you can muster up the minimum number of chapters the publisher requires. If you can find a publisher who thinks your writing will sell. The world of traditional publishing is not for the faint of heart or the person who thinks they might want to be a writer.

Well what about self publishing. A good choice. If you don’t mind paying for editing. Then paying for printing. Then buying a minimum number of you own book. All this is before you even start marketing.

I don’t want to give you the idea that I’m against other publishing methods. In fact, if you have written the great american novel or a great guide on how to do whatever, that meets publisher guidelines then go for it. However, if you are just the averge Joe or Jane who has some home spun wisdom to share with the world an ebook is the way to go.

The internet provides a quick, easy and cheap way to get your book out there. Your book itself. Not simply word about your book. With an ebook, after purchasing software, your only expense is marketing. No printing fees. No editing fees.

You control the length of your ebook, the layout, it’s all you. The ultimate form of self expression. Plus, you don’t have to convince a publisher how great your idea is. You are in total control. You have the first and last say on everything. Every authors dream. Your vision undiluted.

Any topic you can think of, politics, love, email marketing, why the original Star Trek is the best…anything.

So what are you waiting for. Do the research, write your ebook and market it to the world.

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