Tag: online business
Content marketing is in use everywhere
Content marketing has been lapped up by both internet marketers and online surfers. Using this media allows one to express his ideas and allows the other to read and enjoy. No wonder there are more and more people signing up each day to blog sites and people are publishing relevant articles on their websites in a bid to attract more and more
Content marketing is in use everywhere because it is only the words that allow explaining. Different channels use different types of content marketing, be it the newsletter, email marketing, blogging, publishing, website content, etc. Content is in demand everywhere.
Content marketing is virtuous by its own nature, firstly because it has the power of attracting traffic long after the content has been published. More traffic will continue if the content is good and has something visitors find interesting. Content needs to be interesting and informative however, if you want the visitors to continue coming in.
So how will you attract traffic to your website using content marketing?
Include links, this it is obvious all content you publish should contain related links which take the reader to your website. However, unabashed advertising of products has not yet been looked upon kindly by the ezine public. This attitude towards advertising is right and does keep the spirit of informative advertising afloat.
It is important to maintain information levels when using content marketing. While browsing many of us have come across articles which have practically no informative value. Obviously if you want to write more articles on the same subject, slowly the matter diminishes and what remain to be filled are the futile words.
Spinning content can provide some respite from this problem, but it is necessary that you do not publish these articles with same ezine, instead make sure the information rich rewritten articles reach as many article directories as you can. The above can help you maintain information level and attract a lot of visitors from different directories.
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Are You Missing Out Without Online Marketing?
Just about every business can benefit to some degree from online marketing. If you’re not online you could be missing out on a huge potential customer base. This article gives you some reasons to really consider why you should use internet marketing.
If you are not already marketing your business online, it is time to start. Although there are a few exceptions, just about every business can benefit from online marketing. There are just so many advantages to this type of marketing. First of all, it is extremely affordable to market your business online. Other advantages to marketing your business online include the ability to reach a large target audience, the ability to reach potential customers all over the world and the ability to customize the marketing for different sectors of the target audience.
The affordability of Internet marketing is one of many reasons why many business owners are turning to the Internet for advertising. Advertising online is incredibly affordable especially when you consider how many potential customers a business owner can reach with an online marketing campaign. Most methods of online advertising are quite affordable and some of them do not have any direct costs. For example, you may choose to market your business online by participating in industry forums and posting links to your website whenever it is appropriate to do so. In this case the cost of creating and maintaining the website is insignificant in comparison to the number of potential clients you could reach through online marketing. Additionally, the costs associated with posting links to your website are incidental. You could consider the cost of having access to the Internet as part of the cost but you most likely require Internet access for other reasons as well so it is completely worthwhile.
Reaching a large target audience is another very worthwhile reason for marketing your business online. You may have spent a great deal of time and energy doing market research and determine who your target audience is. You may have also spent a great deal of time trying to figure out the best way to reach this audience. This is a very sound marketing principle but as it applies to marketing on local television, radio and print media it only allows you to reach a limited audience. However, when you take your marketing to the Internet you automatically drastically increase your potential target audience because you now have the ability to reach members of your target audience around the world.
This ability to reach customers around the world is another major advantage to marketing your business online. Regardless of where you live and operate your business, you have the ability to reach those who have an interest in the products you sell or the services you provide no matter where they live. This makes it possible for you to do business with customers around the world.
Likewise the fact that the Internet is available 24 hours a day is also very beneficial to those who choose to market their products or services online. Shopping for products and services in person can be very difficult especially for individuals who work long hours or those who work unusual hours. These working conditions make it difficult for these individuals to do business and make purchases of products and services they need during regular business hours. However, business owners who have an online presence are much more convenient because unlike stores and calling centers, the website never closes. This convenience gives potential customers the ability to view products and services, compare these products and service to the ones offered by competitors and make a purchase at any hour of any day.
If you are a business owner who is reading this article and you do not already have a strong online presence, you need to immediately start learning more about the world of Internet marketing. This is so important because if your competitors are marketing online, you may find they are gaining a steady advantage and are becoming more appealing to potential customers. Before too many of your potential customers become loyal customers of the competition it is time to start figuring out how you can market your business online and keep up with the competition.
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Information for sale
Every day millions of people worldwide search for answers to certain questions, search for various information that will help them make their lives better. It is the same need as the need for food. It means that if there is such a need, a person will satisfy it once it becomes possible. If you can answer some questions or know how to improve people’s lives, why not take money for it? Actually, what is money? It is a form of gratitude from people for something useful they acquired. Once you do something useful for people ñ get gratitude in return.
What will people pay money for? For getting all the necessary information and answers to their questions here and now. They will not have to spend time on searching ñ everything they need will be offered in one information file. That is why when you create an information product, you should keep in mind that since a person uses a product, he or she must get all answers to all questions the solution for which the product offers.
It will be better if the product is focused on answering some big question. For example, ´how to lose extra weight?ª, ´how to feel confident in any situation?ª, ´how to achieve your goals?ª, ´how to become a leader?ª, ´how to find or create your own business?ª, ´how to start your business on the Internet?ª, ´how to write a book?ª etc. Of course, you should write about what you understand, what you are successful in and what you are interested in. So, when you choose a subject you are going to write about, take your own abilities and interests as a basis. Otherwise the reader will feel that the author is not competent and the product will most probably be a failure.
How to turn information into a commercial product? Of course, it is better to make all information in the form of an electronic book. In this case, a book is nothing, but a metaphor. It can be either a set of text pages with pictures or an interactive course with questionnaires and tests. For the potential buyer not to be afraid of cheating and to have no doubts about what he is paying money for, it is better to let him read a couple of chapters from the book for free, but ask him to pay for the rest of the book. Free chapters should help the reader in his question at once because it is by these chapters that the buyer will determine how useful the book is and consequently whether it is worth buying. As a result, it will be only one file available to be downloaded for free from the website. And you will only have to attract visitors who will download the book and pay for the registration key and access to the entire contents of the book. And remember about statistics: a satisfied client will on average recommend the product to seven other people, while an unsatisfied client will recommend that they not use it.
So, we get the following system:
– a visitor visits a website.
– the website describes questions/problems and explains that the solution is in the book that can be downloaded for evaluation free of charge
– the visitor downloads the book and looks through its free part
– the reader finds the book useful and makes a purchase
So, we need the following for the system to function:
– the website should attract the visitor and help him download the book
– the free part of the book should start solving the problem and involve the reader into the solution process to continue which he will have to pay money
It is recommended to create commercial books with the program eBook Maestro PRO. It has a lot of advantages. First, it creates books right out of HTML pages. Second, the final book is a standalone application that does not require any additional programs. Third, the program can set limitations for unregistered users. Forth, it supports the system of online activation that prevents registration keys from being distributed. Fifth, it protects information from being stolen and modified. Sixth, it allows you to customize any part of the book interface the way you want it. And much more.
Good luck to you and lots of sales!
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The Deepest Secrets To E-books
The deepest Secrets behind e-books finally revealed. If you want to know how they make it, you’ll definitely need to know what they’re doing.
So what is ebook really all about? The following report includes some fascinating information about ebook–info you can use, not just the old stuff they used to tell you.
Ebooks are part of the new frontier of cyberspace. They are an entirely new medium for sharing marketing information, ideas, techniques, and expert knowledge.
Each day the number of people accessing the Internet grows, causing the exposure of your ebook to increase incrementally. It’s obvious why electronic self-publishing has become so popular so quickly.
The publishing industry, I hope, does not intend to forever banish the printed word to the dustbin of history. Books in print have their own special qualities and merits, and the world would be diminished by their disappearance.
Having said that, let’s look at what makes ebooks so important and so unique. Ebooks have certain abilities and qualities that other mediums do not possess.
For example, ebooks are fairly easy to produce, and their production cost is inexpensive. Just think about it: you don’t need a publisher, an agent, a printing press, offset film, ink, paper, or even a distributor. You just need a great concept, the ability to write it or to hire a writer, and the right software.
Additionally, ebooks are easily and rapidly distributed online. They are also easily updated; they do not require a second print run. All you need is to go into your original creation and modify the text or graphics. Because of this flexibility, ebooks can change and grow as fast as you can type.
Ebooks are also immediately obtainable. You don’t have to go to a bookstore or search through endless titles at an online bookstore. All you have to do is download it from a website, and presto! It’s on your computer, ready to be read.
Ebooks are interactive. This is one of the most unique and specific qualities that ebooks offer. You can add surveys that need to be filled out, order forms for customers to purchase your products or goods, sound and video that draw your reader into the virtual world of your ebook, even direct links to relevant sites that will expand your ebook outward.
The potential is virtually limitless.
Ebooks have a particular kind of permanence that other mediums do not possess. Television shows and radio shows air once, and then may rerun a few times. Ebooks remain on your computer for as long as your choose, and they can be read and reread whenever you choose to. They can even be printed out and stored on the
shelves of your traditional home library.
Another wonderful quality is that ebooks have no barriers in terms of publishing. You don’t need to go
through the endless process of submitting your manuscript over and over again, and then once you land an agent, having the agent submit your manuscript over and over again. Nor do you have to shell out thousands of dollars for printing a self-published book.
All ebooks require is a writer and appropriate software. Figure out your market, write your book, post it on
your website, and with the right business savvy, your audience will come to you.
The best time to learn about ebook is before you’re in the thick of things. Wise readers will keep reading to earn some valuable ebook experience while it’s still free.
Finally, you have creative control over your ebook. You don?t have to compromise with an editor or the publishing trends of the time. You don’t have to haggle with a designer or wait for copyedited galleys to arrive by snail mail. You are in complete control of the design and the text.
How to Use ebooks for Marketing and Promotion:
There are innumerable ways to use ebooks to promote your business and drive quality traffic to your website. Once posted on your site, you can turn them into a daily course, which brings your customer back to read the next chapter.
You can use them as a free gift for making a purchase or for filling out a survey. Put your ebook on a disc, and you will have an innovative brochure. Blow your competition away by inserting the disc into your sales packages.
The most effective marketing products are those that are unique. Copyright your ebook, and immediately, you
have a powerful tool that you, and you alone, can offer to the public. People will have to visit your site to acquire your ebook, which increases the flow of quality traffic and the potential of sales and affiliate contacts.
Make sure that you keep your ebook current. Update it frequently as the market and trends change. Add new advice and techniques to show your prospects how your goods or services can enrich their lives. By constantly keeping abreast of new trends and techniques, you can continue to see profits from your ebook for years after your original creation.
Another phenomenal advantage of ebooks is that you can test their marketing potential without putting out hardly any cash at all. You can even produce an ebook one copy at a time, each time you receive an order, eliminating the need for storage and inventory. By this method, you can gauge the saleablity of your ebook, and make adjustments as necessary until the orders start pouring in.
Ebooks allow you to learn about your market and customer habits and motivation over a period of time, without risking your precious financial resources. They also provide you with an invaluable way to gather marketing information, which you can use in many different facets of your business.
Use your ebook to discover what the specific goals and problems are in your specific industry. Then figure out how to solve these problems, and publish an ebook with this invaluable information. This will increase the value of your business, upgrade your reputation, and get you known as an expert in your field.
You can extend the value of single ebook by breaking the book down into chapters for a serial course, into special reports available on your website, or into audio or visual tapes. Ebooks can be broken down into several different promotional materials by excepting some of the articles and using them to promote your
You can include a catalog in your ebook to promote all the products or services you sell. You can include a thank-you note for reading your book and an invitation to download a trial version of your product. Or you can include a form for your audience to contact you for further information or with questions, thereby building your business relationships and your mailing list.
Using ebooks in this manner helps to cut the cost of individually producing separate promotional materials. You can use a single ebook to entice new prospects and to sell new products to your current customers.
No other medium has this kind of flexibility and ability for expansion. Think of your ebook like a spider spinning a beautiful and intricate web. Now go and create that web, and see how many customers and prospects you can catch!
The day will come when you can use something you read about here to have a beneficial impact. Then you’ll be glad you took the time to learn more about ebook.
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Advertising On Celebrity Fan Sites
Online advertising isnít quite the same as advertising anywhere else. On the web, ads are everywhere. In fact it is safe to say that the Internet is one gigantic billboard.
Online advertising also differs from regular advertising in that glitzy, gimmicky logos or images or even taglines donít cut it. Usually, the people who use the Internet are looking for specific items of information and just tune out the various gimmicks that companies use for their commercials.
This may be because when the net was young and still mostly dial-up, the ads were banner types which were pretty but really heavy. Though broadband has now replaced dial-up, Internet users prefer ads that are light and easy and preferably unobtrusive to their research.
What is the same, whether you advertise online or offline is that people connect with people. In general, they respond better to ads that appeal to their values or feature something they can relate to. They relate better to commercials that feature people.
For example, if your product is about health care, they are more likely to respond to a doctor than to anyone else. If your product is about basketball shoes, they are more likely to respond to a basketball player. Basically, you choose a spokesperson that your prospective buyers will believe or listen to. The only exception to this rule seems to be celebrities. For some reason, people will believe almost anything celebrities say, whether or not they themselves are suited for the product or not.
Now, hiring a celebrity to endorse your product can be a really expensive thing. Most celebrities charge high, after all you are trying to ride on to their popularity. Their manager will make sure that they get the most out of being your commercial model.
Unlike regular advertising, however, there is a way to cash in on the popularity of celebrities without having to pay an exorbitant rate. They are called celebrity fan sites. These are sites about a celebrity that may or may not be owned or maintained by the celebrity who is featured. Usually these sites are run by a fan of the celebrity, hence the term celebrity fan site.
Here is a truth that artists who last long in the industry know. The fans control their world. The acceptance of the public of their image, their composition, their design, their performance determines how much money they will earn.
The fans are also the ones who search the Internet the most about information about their favorite, and some not so favorite celebrities. Celebrities are among the highest searched items on the net. Over 40 million queries about them are made a day.
Thanks to search engines, these celebrity fan sites get quite a bit of exposure. They talk about their favorite singer, actor, model, or athlete. They have interesting information that attracts even more fans of their favorite star.
Thatís a lot of traffic that businesses can utilize. All the companies need to figure out is which ones of the many celebrities will their target group be likely to visit. This will help you get the necessary exposure that your product needs.
One way to look at it is as sponsorship. A lot of TV shows or segments are sponsored by various companies. They allow these TV shows or segments to stay on the air. In exchange, these shows flash their logos of their sponsors during commercial breaks.
Online advertising has an advantage here. Unlike TV where the sponsor has to wait for their commercial spot, online advertisers have their ads constantly on the page on specified areas. Visitors can see them all the time as they surf the celebrity fan site. Depending on the agreement, some sites will even allow the advertiser to have their ads on various pages of the site, so no matter where they travel on the actual site, they still see your product on display in a prominent area.
Putting an online ad on celebrity fan sites is a lot less expensive than paying for airtime on television. The cost is a lot lower and you get more exposure since you are not limited to just your national public. Keep in mind that the Internet is on a global scale.
These celebrities have fans all across the world. The celebrity fan sites, being on the net, have a global reach. If your business caters to the international market here is another reason why you may want to place your ad on a celebrity fan site.
People like to be in touch with people. They like to know whatís going on with their favorites. So of course, they will look up news on their idols and voila! When they visit the sites about their favorite star, thereís your ad. Isnít that great exposure?
People often idolize celebrities because they see something in these people that they would someday like to achieve, whether it is a physical, mental, social or maybe just a financial thing. They long to be as beautiful or as smart or as attractive to the opposite sex. Some may just long to be as fit or as skilled an athlete. Whichever aspect it is that they admire in these stars, if your product is something that can help them come close to achieving that goal, they may just click on your ad.
You will need to do some research to find the best celebrity fan site on which to place your ad. You do want to get the most for your money and there are hundreds of celebrity fan sites out there. You are looking for the one that attracts the most number of fans who are also part of your target market.
If you find the celebrity fan site you like, make sure to check out the contact details of the site owner right away. Most of them will have a link on their site marked as ìcontact usî. Once you get in touch with them, you just need to negotiate for a prime spot on their site. Donít wait too long! Other businesses want that spot.
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Taking The Vampire Out Of Online MLM Business Networking
You just got started with a new online MLM business and you want to tell everyone online about it. So, you sign up for all kinds of message boards, email groups and other business networking websites.
Before you do anything, please realize that you are dealing with REAL PEOPLE. The Internet seems like this anonymous place where you might feel people wonít really notice you if you engage in any vampirish behavior, but realize that the Internet is no different than dealing with people offline.
Treat people with respect, get to know them first and youíll have plenty of valuable contacts for your business. No, most probably wonít join your business opportunity, but they will teach you a lot about business, will refer others to you and will be a great asset to your business ñ even if they never buy a thing from you.
Some Online Networking No-Nos:
– Sending private messages or emails about your business opportunity or products to another member is in poor taste. If you want to contact someone privately because you feel you have something in common, go for it, but donít recruit or sell.
– When you introduce yourself on a networking group, itís usually okay to say what you doÖbut donít invite people to check out your website or say that you are looking for new customers or recruits.
– Even if a message board or networking group allows you to post ads in certain places or on certain days, donít bother if youíre new. Get to know the group first and then theyíll be more interested your offers.
When you have a new business, it can be stressful and you feel pressure to get results. The important thing to remember is that results come from building long-term relationships and not from preying on online networking groups.
Donít suck the blood out of all your prospects and people who can connect you with potential prospects before you even get started.
Four Ways to Boost Your Online Business Through Networking
When you think about networking, do you visualize a bunch of people standing around schmoozing, trying to pitch their services to each other while exchanging business cards and ìelevator speechesî?
You know, some people actually enjoy that sort of thing. And when they do it right (which is a rare talent), they reap genuine rewards. Rewards such as new clients, joint venture partners, knowledgeable advisors, helpful friendsÖ in other words, mutually beneficial relationships.
But for many of us, the idea of going to a networking event ranks right up there with bathing an angry cat. Even if we think it ought to be done, weíd rather be flea food.
Donít worry. Thereís much more ñ and less ñ to networking than you think! You can reap the same wonderful rewards without having to mingle with a bunch of strangers.
Important: With any kind of networking, the key is to build powerful relationships by giving. Give your attention, advice, ideas, suggestions, support, compliments, referrals ñ and maybe even your business ñ to others. Give, give, giveÖ then receive more than you can imagine!
There are many ways you can get freelance work by networking, even if you hate schmoozing. Below are four powerful examples.
1. Tell your family and friends about your online business.
This seems like a no-brainer, but youíd be amazed at how many people fail to do this.
You donít have to pitch your services/products to your family and friends, but you certainly should not be keeping them secret! Youíll have many opportunities during normal conversations to mention that you enjoy internet marketing and earning money with your online activities. Just plant the seed and eventually it can grow into unexpected business.
And remember, even if your family and friends have no need for the products/services you offer, itís very likely that they know someone who does.
Key: Every person has connections to an average of 250 other people. When you decide not to mention your services to cousin Annie and neighbor Tom, youíre missing an opportunity to offer your services to hundreds of people they know!
2. Engage in virtual networking.
You do this online, from the comfort of your home office. Besides the benefits of not having to deal with people face-to-face, virtual networking allows you to create contact lists and join online communities comprised of people from all over the world. Most of these people you would probably never meet in any other way. Your virtual network can grow larger and faster than any form of traditional network.
Are you on someoneís email list? (Of course you are!) When they ask for opinions, give yours. When they raise an issue thatís of interest to you, send them a response about it. If theyíre selling something you can benefit from (and it fits your budget), buy it ñ then give them positive feedback about it.
Key: Become someone they know and enjoy hearing from, rather than just one of the many anonymous names on their mailing list.
Participate in online discussion forums, especially those where your ideal clients hang out. Lurk before you leap so you donít jump in and accidentally make a fool of yourself (not good for winning clients). Read the posts, get a feel for the ambiance. When you have something worthwhile to contribute, start participating. If the forum rules allow it, include a signature block that has a link to your website. But do NOT sell your services! Give valuable advice freely. The idea is to show your knowledge, expertise and desire to help others.
Key: Eventually the forum members will get to know you, like you and trust you. The next natural step for them is to think of you when they (or people in their network) need the products/services you provide!
3. Show off your talent.
Write, write, write! Submit articles to online article directories, write reports and/or ebooks, create your own website and e-zine ñ put yourself and your knowledge/skills on display, always including your contact information. When appropriate, offer to provide free special reports or articles for people with whom youíre building connections through your virtual networking activities.
Consider giving free workshops related to your niche through your local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club or other groups. If you have a job, check into offering ìbrownbagî (lunchtime) sessions on topics such as ì10 Tips for More Earning Money Online in Your Spare Timeî for your coworkers.
Key: You want to become the obvious person people will think of when they need your expertise, or the products/services you provide.
4. Attend seminars.
What types of seminars, workshops, conferences or meetings do your customers attend? Go to those events. They are networking goldmines and offer many opportunities to engage in natural conversations with people you want to meet. You donít have to schmooze or pitch your services. Just be friendly, ask questions, participate in discussions, and be yourself.
Key: Youíll not only learn about the specific issues and topics your target customers are interested in, youíll build relationships with them at the same time!