Category: Visitors


Advertising Secrets

When I first got into the online advertising business, I was looking for the magical combination that would put my website into the top search engine rankings, catapult me to the forefront of the minds or individuals looking to buy my product, and generally make me rich beyond my wildest dreams!

After succeeding in the business for this long, I’m able to look back on my old self with this kind of thinking and shake my head.

If you’re reading this article and you’ve come this far, you’re probably looking for the magic answer yourself. You’ve probably read a few dozen or a few hundred articles just like this about pay-per-click advertising, maximizing return on investment, keyword stuffing, black-hat seo tactics, text-link banner exchanges, and the list goes on.

Well, I’m here to tell you that I have the one be all end all answer and I’m sharing it with the world!

The truth is that there is no magic secret to online advertising. No one method will generate the largest amount of income/exposure for every website or business imaginable – it’s all a matter of trial and error, time and talent.

That’s a pretty weak answer, I know. It would have been much cooler for me to tell you that buying tiny classified ads in your local paper was the key to success and riches. Well, I’m sorry. For the few of you that have been down this road before and are starting to get it, you’ll hear a ring of truth in my words. The sooner you stop looking for a quick fix to make your message stick, the better.

For what it’s worth, these are my thoughts.

1) The internet has only been alive for a few short years, and in that time it has changed dramatically many times over. Remember in 1995 when everyone first discovered the cool little animated envelope .gif that you would click on to send them email? Where was your online bill-pay, instant messaging, and dynamically generated page content then? And only a few short years later you can see how far we’ve come and use that as a measure for how far we can go.

The point is that the internet, like other forms of media, is a rapidly evolving monster. What works for online advertisers today might be completely ineffectual only a few months from now. That’s why the best advertisers are constantly researching and creating their own unique marketing strategies. The trick is to find out what works for you, and to make sure that you revisit it from time to time to tune it up as the market changes.

2) You Have to Spend Money to Make Money. It’s a tired line, but it’s that way because everyone says it. Don’t be afraid to add fuel to your advertising fire and take it to another level. Try investing (note that I said investing and not spending) five, ten, or fifty thousand dollars in advertising. If you don’t jump out a window the first time you do it, you may walk away with a big smile and a little pocket money!

The hard part about investing a big chunk of money is coming up with it in the first place. If you already have $50,000 laying around for advertising and are just looking for a place to put it, give me a call. If you’re not that lucky, try looking at the Small Business Administration for ideas on how to get a small business loan.

If you don’t want to go farther than your mailbox, examine some of those credit checks your bank keeps sending you in the mail. A lot of people take advantage of their fairly reasonable interest rates to fund projects.

3) Presentation is Key. You’ll find that excellent writing skills and good marketing go hand in hand. As you improve on one, the other is bound to follow. Knowing how to write, and how to write well will give you an extraordinary advantage of the majority of individuals vying for your customers’ attention. I don’t know about you, but I get a lot of spam for people wanting to sell me their “good, cheap, A+ #1 $$$ rolex watch, discount Viagra, H0t s1utz, etc.”

Needless to say, I have never purchased anything from them and most likely, neither have you. If you have, please drop me a line and let me know how it worked out. I’m always wondering how many of those are a scam.

The emails and circulars that I do purchase from come from GoDaddy,, Google and a host of other professional companies that take a few minutes to earn my trust with good punctuation, grammar, and quality content.

If you don’t have a talent for writing (and you know who you are) you have two choices:

Get better – easier said than done. Like most things, writing is one part talent and nine parts hard work. Take some classes, do peer editing suggestions, or send it to me look over (first ten-thousand submissions only).

Or, get someone else to do it – leaving more time for you at the helm. I like this option not only because it’s a time saver for me, but also because the work generally comes out better than anything I could have done. This article is an excellent example. I provided a detailed outline, some good anecdotes, and the strategies above and the copywriters at did the rest. I made a deal with them to write the article for $149 and we share the syndication rights. Not bad for half an hour’s work.

If you can’t afford to hire a pro, be courteous to yourself and your audience by simply re-reading your work, running a spell check, and letting your wife/husband/friend/co-worker look it over. You’d be surprised at how many things invisible to you will stand out to a fresh set of eyes.

OK. That’s all I’ve got for now. Stay tuned at for more advice on how to get started with online advertising. Please remember though that how far you go is up to you. There is no substitute for your own work and effort in succeeding in this business.

Good Luck!

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Advertising Options – and the winner is?

Are you chasing search engine traffic and pondering your options? Almost anyone on the internet these days would love to increase traffic to thier website regardless of their “niche”.

Clearly search engines have the potential to deliver a steady flow of targeted traffic to your website. Listed below are several suggestions for efficient use of your money when it comes to getting traffic to your website.

Here are 3 basic areas to consider:

1. Placing some key targeted pages on the internet that are SEO’ed to draw traffic back to your primary website.

2. Using Google “pay per click” campaigns with your favorite suite of targeted keywords.

3. Placing carefully targeted content on your website homepage.

If you are working on a limited budget it may be best to consider Options #1 and #3 as your first choices. The pay per click traffic generators can get to be very expensive in a short time, and these will continue to cost you money while each campaign is active.

If your focus is on pay per click, be sure to spend adequate time and effort to research and generate a list of relevant and effective keywords. There are many tools for helping with this task available on the internet and once your campaign is launched you can start to monitor and test your conversions. If you are promoting your own product you can always reinvest your earnings to continue your campaign and grow your income.

Another option for drawing traffic to your website is based on the use of custom written articles and other targeted content. You can use your budget to have some unique articles written on your favorite key topics, but this can be very expensive and time consuming. Articles such as these can be submitted to article directories and published on other content hungry websites.

The best alternative for content may be that of Private Label website resources such and Using these Private Label content services, even on a limited budget, can over time easily provide thousands of articles that can be put to good work in drawing targeted traffic to your website. Imagine hundreds of new articles each month on a topic of your choice…articles that you can use just as if you had written them yourself! And of course PL content can be added directly to your own website or used in a variety of other ways for drawing traffic (blogs, newsletters, etc.).

This is just a glimpse of the power of content and other ways that can be used to draw traffic to your website. Be sure to explore your options and use your time and money wisely in the process.

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Advertising Outdoors

To a general advertiser outdoor advertising is worthy of consideration. Outdoor advertising is considered as the oldest form of advertising. Posting bills on wooden boards in the late 19th century led to the birth of the term billboard. Today, outdoor advertising includes not only billboards but also car cards in public transportation, displays in airports, ski areas, and sports arenas and in-store displays among others.

Consider this scenario: you were on your way to the office and without even looking at the morning paper you found out that your favorite boutique is opening in the neighborhood. Or you were on your way home from work when you find out that a major company you would love to work for is hiring ñ and this you knew without even having your own radio on. How did all these happen? Through outdoor advertising.

Outdoor advertising is very powerful and effective. It has the ability to target consumers quickly and accurately. Likewise, it can create a strong visual impression that reinforces continuity and name recognition, making your overall marketing campaign even more effective. According to studies, more and more consumers are spending time than ever driving or riding in cars and walking in cities. This means that customers are exposed to outdoor advertising more than ever before. Hence, making use of outdoor advertising can significantly increase your chance of attracting more customers.

Designing and creating an outdoor advertising is like creating a visual storytelling. The expression of an idea can surprise viewers with words or excite them with pictures. Humor is a powerful design choice for outdoor advertising. The character of outdoor advertising requires a clear message, a strong brand identity and a fast impact. Outdoor advertising shares many communication characteristics with other media, but it is the differences that truly determine what will be effective design elements for an advertisement.

So what could outdoor advertising do that traditional advertising canít? Outdoor advertising has better advantage when it comes to a regional or national showing. And outdoor advertising can reinforce the primary message delivered through broadcast or print. Additionally, outdoor advertising requires low active processing because consumers receive its messages when they are in an inactive state of mind. Often, commuters sit idle in their vehicles when outdoor messages are presented so their mood is under stimulated. This is a good opportunity for advertisers because well-presented outdoor designs will grab attention when commuters are deprived of other creative stimulation.

Thus, keep in mind that impressive advertising is essential for the long-term success of any brand, since advertising works best when an individual consumer learns that a product or service is a good choice for them.

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Advertising on a budget — Part 3: Frequency, frequency, frequency

This is the third article of a three-part series. I’m illustrating the marketing challenges of, a small business.

If you don’t remember anything else about marketing, remember this: Frequency is king.

The more often you can get your name in front of your potential and current customers, the more likely you will make a sale.

Depending on what study you look at, people need to see your message anywhere from three to 27 times before they act upon it.

And, if you want to brand your business, then you need to get it in front of your customers as often as possible.

How do you think Ivory Soap, Campbell Soup and Tide all built their brands so deeply into our minds? Through years and years of repeatedly advertising. That’s why those brands pop into our head when we think about soap, soup or laundry detergent.

So if you want to build your brand, then you need to advertise frequently.

There’s another benefit to advertising frequently. It also helps your current customers.

People like to know they made the right decision after they purchased something. How much reassurance they need depends on how much they spend, but everyone needs some confirmation they made the right decision. Your advertising can help.

Studies have shown that people are more aware of car ads after they purchased a car — specifically car ads of the model they bought. And they’re more likely to both believe and approve of the message. Again, because they want to know they made the right decision.

So there are many good reasons to advertise frequently. Does that mean you have to spend a fortune? Not necessarily. There are a few tricks you can use to get the frequency you need at a low cost. (These are print tricks — other advertising outlets, such as radio and online, we’ll talk about in future issues.)

1. Make your ad as small as possible. Small ads cost less. See “Advertising on a Budget ñ Part 2: Thinking Small” for more information on shrinking your ad.

2. It’s better to schedule your ads to run all at once than spread them out. People will never remember when they don’t see your ad, only when they do. If they see your ad a lot in one week, they’re going to be under the impression you advertise all the time because they won’t remember NOT seeing your ad other weeks.

3. Take advantage of any frequency programs your newspaper offers. And definitely sign a contract — don’t run ads under the open rate.

Here’s how it worked for PWC.

The newspaper had a program called “3 For Free.” If you ran an ad three days in a row, you got the next three days for free (the paper was published six days a week).

We designed a tiny ad — a one by two inch ad — and we ran it six days in a row. Then we skipped the next three weeks and did the same thing again the next month.

After a year of doing this, PWC had people coming up to her telling her they saw her ad “all the time.” Business owners wanted to advertise on PWC because they could see the commitment PWC had to advertising. Brides and grooms were visiting PWC on a regular basis because they were being “reminded” monthly.

What did all this cost? About $100 a month.

But, a word of caution. It takes time to build a business and a brand. It won’t happen overnight. But it will happen, especially if you remember to keep getting your name in front of your customers and potential customers as often as you possibly can.


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The Exit Strategies for Businesses

Many investors are only interested in investing money into an enterprise for a limited amount of time. They want to know when they will get their money back and what sort of return they will be receiving at that time. Both issues are closely linked. Therefore, when preparing your business plan, to pitch to potential investors, you will need to make sure that you have outlined your long term plans and a sound <b>exit strategy</b>.

In order to do this properly you will have to ask yourself a few questions about your own personal plans regarding the business. Do you wish to stay involved in this business in the long run, or are you more interested in getting it off the ground and letting someone else take over then? These are the kinds of questions you should deal with in your exit strategy.

You will also want to know a little about the <b>investors</b> you are pitching to and what their expectations are regarding the future of the investment:

<ul><li>If you are dealing with <b>venture capitalists</b> you have to be aware that they are looking for a <b>high return</b>. They will generally be expecting the business to go public at the end of the period or make some other high profit move. The period they are willing to invest is about three to seven years so you will need some sort of high return exit strategy at the end of that period. However, you should not opt for going public unless you are confident that it is a realistic goal for your company. Public offerings are very rare for small businesses and the investors you are speaking to will be all too aware of that fact.</li><li>If you are considering an <b>angel investor</b> then again they will be looking for a high return but will not be overly concerned with the type of exit strategy under consideration, as long as it seems sound. They will be less sophisticated than the venture capitalists or institutional investors you may deal with and are more likely to be involved because of a <b>personal relationship</b> to you or the business.</li></ul>

There are a number of exit strategies you can consider:

<ul><li>The most basic exit strategy would be to simply <b>bleed the business dry</b>. This can be done by giving yourself a huge salary or other remuneration, regardless of the performance of the business. While it is not appropriate in most cases, there is no doubt that it can get a lot of your investment back out of the company in a short time.</li><li>Another simple option is <b>liquidation</b>. Simply close the doors and wait for the company to be wound up. All debts will be paid off, and then whatever is left over will be clear to the shareholders.</li></ul>

While these two options above are quite practical and effective, they are professionally frowned upon and you may wish to propose a more sophisticated exit strategy if you wish to impress potential investors.

<ul><li>Another option could be <b>selling to a friendly buyer</b>. While you may have come to the end of your relationship with the business, there may be many people who would be saddened to see it end and may well be willing to step in to take over. This might include passing it on to another member of the family, or selling it to employees or customers. There are many businesses where this will be a realistic option, however it is difficult to predict it at the beginning of the venture.</li><li>Another option is <b>acquisition</b>. This is when a rival firm, usually one wishing to expand, agrees to buy you out. You can negotiate the price and terms with the buyer and there is a good chance that both of you can come up with a very <b>attractive price</b>. You will get a good price because together with your assets, the buyer will be willing to pay for good will, market share, client contacts etc. This means you can get a very good price for the business.</li><li>The <b>IPOs</b> that we previously talked about are the final option. These are potentially the most lucrative of all, but when reality kicks in, they might not seem like the dream you thought they were. In reality, a minuscule percent of companies manage to make it through an IPO. The process costs millions, includes lawyers, analysts, publicity agents and a lot of other costly professionals. The odds are against you ever making it. And if you do, you will probably be left with only a fraction share of the company you used to own.</li></ul>

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Advertising Internet Online Opportunities To Explore

The collapse of the online-advertising market in 2001 made marketing on the Internet seem even less compelling. Website usability, press releases, online media buys, podcasts, mobile marketing and more – there’s an entire world of internet advertising opportunities to explore. We specialize in internet marketing strategy, online advertising, web marketing and conversion. Learn about the latest business trends in Internet marketing, search engine marketing, e-commerce marketing, online advertising, branding marketing and interactive media. We believe more and more online advertisers are turning to performance-based advertising to fulfill their Internet marketing objectives. Marketing on the internet requires that one be found using keyword searches or some form of online advertising.

Providing services for web site design, hosting, online shopping, databases, flash, streaming video, web site maintenance, search engine optimization, local internet advertising, and more. We specialize in internet marketing strategy, online advertising, web marketing and conversion. You want an internet advertising company to be aware of your business and the competitive nature of your market place whilst advertising online. The online advertising market is competitive enough to find a similar deal elsewhere for your internet advertiusing solutions.

The collapse of the online-advertising market in 2001 made marketing on the Internet seem even less compelling. Provider of online radio station services, e-mail, Internet advertising, business directory search, e-commerce services and Internet community services. Learn about the latest business trends in Internet marketing, search engine marketing, e-commerce marketing, online advertising, branding marketing and interactive media. Investigate the cost of your online internet advertising with the ready-reckoner, below.

Cost per click internet advertising comes in various forms online such as advertising with sponsored links, recommended links etc. casino gambling internet online uk Internet online result sea advertising gambling internet. Planning an effective Internet/online advertising strategy with an online advertising firm with professional experience will render the best results for any online business.

Website usability, press releases, online media buys, podcasts, mobile marketing and more – there’s an entire world of internet advertising opportunities to explore. is a four year old online advertising network which consists thousands of specialized websites in providing unique target internet traffic. Marketing on the internet requires that one be found using keyword searches or some form of online advertising. NON-COMPLIANCE The FTC periodically joins with other law enforcement agencies to monitor the Internet for potentially false or deceptive online advertising claims.

This foray into online internet advertising is an experiment, not my life work. We believe more and more online advertisers are turning to performance-based advertising to fulfill their Internet marketing objectives. Well, they all fall under the gamut of online internet advertising. Bargain for the internet advertising promotion or find other forms of advertising online for your website. This makes the Internet rather unique, because in most other mediums, advertising cannot be tracked like it is online. to drive quality, targeted candidates to their online job postings via Internet recruitment advertising campaigns.

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Employers – 10 Questions to ask a Recruitment Agency

If you are an Employer looking for permanent staff, using agencies can be an efficient and cost effective method of recruitment. Do your homework carefully and you can concentrate on what you do best, running your business.

Here are some example questions to ask

How will they charge? – Most agencies these days supply permanent staff on a contingency basis. This is where, you only pay the agency if you select and recruit one of their candidates. The popular term for this is ìNo placement no feeî.

What will they charge? – You need to make sure you understand how much using an agency will cost you. This is normally expressed as a percentage of first year salary. This will depend on a number of factors such as industry, location, level of role etc, but fees can often be between 10% and 30%. You might at first consider this to be rather a lot of money but just think how much its worth to you getting the right candidate with the minimum of fuss.

Is there a rebate structure? – Make sure that you agree to some form of rebate structure. Like it or not, some candidates will start a job and decide that its not for them and leave after a short time. You need to make sure that if this happens you can reclaim some of the fees paid to Recruitment Agency. This is normally done via a rebate structure. A typical example of this would be

If they leave within 4 weeks 80% of fees paid are refunded
If they leave within 8 weeks 50% of fees paid are refunded
If they leave within 12 weeks 20% of fees paid are refunded

However these scales vary between agencies. It is also becoming more common in competitive areas to see 100% refunds if the candidate leaves within 12 weeks.

What is their CV policy? – You need to make sure that they are going to make things easier for you and not just send through dozens of CVís that they have on their books, just on the off chance. Most reputable agencies will have a definite policy on this and be able to give you an idea of the number and quality of CVís in advance.

Any Client testimonials? – This is to help you ensure that you are dealing with the right agency. You donít want to have to spend a lot of time explaining to them what your company does or how they do it etc etc. The best way to avoid this is make sure that they have satisfied clients in similar business to your own. This will also give you an idea of how experienced the agencies and their consultants are in your business area.

How many agencies should I appoint? – It is a good idea to have a small number of agencies working for you as long as they are all on a contingency basis. This way you maximise your exposure to potential candidates while not spending all your working day dealing with agencies. A good idea is to start with 3 to 5 of them & see how it works out. You can always add more if you need to later.

What about a specialist agency? – Where possible you should consider industry specific agencies this if possible. Although they may charge more in fees this may be offset by the fact that they will probably be able to advise you more knowledgably about the type of candidates available, market salary rates etc.

Are there any trade bodies? – A number of agencies are members of the REC (Recruitment and Employment Confederation), which represents the industry within the UK. You should try to confirm that they are members and that they conform to their code of conduct.

Will they do Candidate referencing? – You should check to confirm that the agency you plan to use both will confirm the identity of the candidates they send you but also if required can take up their references on your behalf.

And finally

Any other useful facilities?
Do you have an interview suite? – very useful facility as it means that you can interview prospective candidates at their offices.
Do you offer Psychometric testing / ability testing?
Can you provide salary survey information? – This enables you to offer the candidates a realistic salary

Remember, recruitment agencies can charge you quite a lot of money so make sure that they are working for you!

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Advertising On Celebrity Fan Sites

Online advertising isnít quite the same as advertising anywhere else. On the web, ads are everywhere. In fact it is safe to say that the Internet is one gigantic billboard.

Online advertising also differs from regular advertising in that glitzy, gimmicky logos or images or even taglines donít cut it. Usually, the people who use the Internet are looking for specific items of information and just tune out the various gimmicks that companies use for their commercials.

This may be because when the net was young and still mostly dial-up, the ads were banner types which were pretty but really heavy. Though broadband has now replaced dial-up, Internet users prefer ads that are light and easy and preferably unobtrusive to their research.

What is the same, whether you advertise online or offline is that people connect with people. In general, they respond better to ads that appeal to their values or feature something they can relate to. They relate better to commercials that feature people.

For example, if your product is about health care, they are more likely to respond to a doctor than to anyone else. If your product is about basketball shoes, they are more likely to respond to a basketball player. Basically, you choose a spokesperson that your prospective buyers will believe or listen to. The only exception to this rule seems to be celebrities. For some reason, people will believe almost anything celebrities say, whether or not they themselves are suited for the product or not.

Now, hiring a celebrity to endorse your product can be a really expensive thing. Most celebrities charge high, after all you are trying to ride on to their popularity. Their manager will make sure that they get the most out of being your commercial model.

Unlike regular advertising, however, there is a way to cash in on the popularity of celebrities without having to pay an exorbitant rate. They are called celebrity fan sites. These are sites about a celebrity that may or may not be owned or maintained by the celebrity who is featured. Usually these sites are run by a fan of the celebrity, hence the term celebrity fan site.

Here is a truth that artists who last long in the industry know. The fans control their world. The acceptance of the public of their image, their composition, their design, their performance determines how much money they will earn.

The fans are also the ones who search the Internet the most about information about their favorite, and some not so favorite celebrities. Celebrities are among the highest searched items on the net. Over 40 million queries about them are made a day.

Thanks to search engines, these celebrity fan sites get quite a bit of exposure. They talk about their favorite singer, actor, model, or athlete. They have interesting information that attracts even more fans of their favorite star.

Thatís a lot of traffic that businesses can utilize. All the companies need to figure out is which ones of the many celebrities will their target group be likely to visit. This will help you get the necessary exposure that your product needs.

One way to look at it is as sponsorship. A lot of TV shows or segments are sponsored by various companies. They allow these TV shows or segments to stay on the air. In exchange, these shows flash their logos of their sponsors during commercial breaks.

Online advertising has an advantage here. Unlike TV where the sponsor has to wait for their commercial spot, online advertisers have their ads constantly on the page on specified areas. Visitors can see them all the time as they surf the celebrity fan site. Depending on the agreement, some sites will even allow the advertiser to have their ads on various pages of the site, so no matter where they travel on the actual site, they still see your product on display in a prominent area.

Putting an online ad on celebrity fan sites is a lot less expensive than paying for airtime on television. The cost is a lot lower and you get more exposure since you are not limited to just your national public. Keep in mind that the Internet is on a global scale.

These celebrities have fans all across the world. The celebrity fan sites, being on the net, have a global reach. If your business caters to the international market here is another reason why you may want to place your ad on a celebrity fan site.

People like to be in touch with people. They like to know whatís going on with their favorites. So of course, they will look up news on their idols and voila! When they visit the sites about their favorite star, thereís your ad. Isnít that great exposure?

People often idolize celebrities because they see something in these people that they would someday like to achieve, whether it is a physical, mental, social or maybe just a financial thing. They long to be as beautiful or as smart or as attractive to the opposite sex. Some may just long to be as fit or as skilled an athlete. Whichever aspect it is that they admire in these stars, if your product is something that can help them come close to achieving that goal, they may just click on your ad.

You will need to do some research to find the best celebrity fan site on which to place your ad. You do want to get the most for your money and there are hundreds of celebrity fan sites out there. You are looking for the one that attracts the most number of fans who are also part of your target market.

If you find the celebrity fan site you like, make sure to check out the contact details of the site owner right away. Most of them will have a link on their site marked as ìcontact usî. Once you get in touch with them, you just need to negotiate for a prime spot on their site. Donít wait too long! Other businesses want that spot.

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Advertising Pens ñ Fast And Easy To Apply

Thereís not a question that promotional items can be an invaluable way to help market your company, product or service. However, itís also safe to say that not all promotional items are of equal value or offer the same marketing power. The item given away should be wanted by the potential client, not just taken because itís free, only to be discarded later. These should be items that people use, preferably on a consistent basis.

Very few promotional items can compete with the usability of advertising pens. You have probably used one recently yourself. Many people feel reluctant to use even the most commonly used items, such as shirts and hats, but pens have been accepted by the general public like none other.

This atmosphere of acceptance and usage presents you with an awesome opportunity to have your logo and company name visible over and over, using repetition to further your advertising goals. And think about how many times pens are passed between friends and colleagues; this is moving your advertising to further markets.

Another aspect of advertising pens that allows you to advertise the way that you want is the ability to promote your company using anything from incredibly inexpensive pens to fine luxury models for your important customers

Start using one of the most cost effective, as well as advertising effective, promotional items today and get your business the boast that can only come from advertising pens.

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