Category: Visitors


How to Solve the Problem of Niche Saturation

There’s a big problem when it comes to creating blogs or selling products online – and that’s niche saturation.

What we mean by this, is that there are hundreds of different topics out there but when it comes to the most popular and the most profitable there are really three major ones: money, fitness and dating. After all, these are the subjects that make the world go round!

So if you want to create a blog or a website with the biggest potential for growth and the biggest possible audience, you’ll likely want to write about one of those topics. But here’s the problem: any of those topics will mean going up against a huge amount of competition and struggling to get noticed. There are thousands of big fitness websites and thousands of eBooks on the topic to go along with them. These niches are saturated.

So how do you stand out? Here are some options:

Hone in on One Area

One option is to hone in on a specific aspect of your niche. ‘Fitness’ is a massive topic for instance, so instead why not consider going a little narrower – by looking specifically at running, or flexibility, or even calf strength.

Hone in on One Demographic

Another option is to look at a specific demographic that might be interested in your subject. For example, you could write about fitness for bloggers, or fitness for teenagers.

Go Broader

Conversely you can also go broader. Instead of focussing on fitness, how about ‘bodybuilding lifestyle’ which could also incorporate dressing for your physique and finding good meals.

Create a New Angle

Or why not create an entirely new angle? A cool example of this might be ‘Art of Manliness’ which is a website that has created its own niche entirely, despite it overlapping with many of the big ones we’ve covered.

Get Personal

Another way to stand out in a new niche is to ‘get personal’ and to turn your website into a personal blog where you use a personal brand to attract attention. This is what Tim Ferriss has done with the Four Hour Blog and what Pat Flynn has done with Smart Passive Income. There are plenty more examples but either way, putting a face and a name on your product makes it much more individual and much more memorable.

Find a New Route to Market

Even if you aren’t different in anyway, you can succeed if you find a new way to tap into the market that hasn’t been exploited yet.

For more information sign to Win Your Brand mailing list 


Brand Mastery : The Focus is YOU! – 100K+/month of your Brand

You are Invited to learn about Personal Branding and support Red Cross

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Interesting Image
Win your Brand has teamed up with Red Cross ALBERTA FIRES to bring the next Brand Mastery Event to Calgary.
Here at Win Your Brand we are always looking at ways to make these events more exciting and accessible to everyone.

This is a workshop customize and designed for YOU
Triple your revenue, access better clients and establish your ME ONLY Authority.
If you ARE

A Consultant looking to increase profits



A Business Coach wanting to attract better clients

A Life Coach wanting to attract more clients

Author or speaker wanting to attract more clients

Unemployed and wanting to position yourself to land a job faster OR In the middle of a career shift


THIS WORKSHOP is designed for you



Sept 30 – Oct 2, 2016

9 am – 6 pm



 Best Western Village Park Inn (Subject to Confirmation)

Calgary, AB



(Meals and Coffee are included)
 $100 will be contributed to Canadian Red Cross* 


if you can not make it you can sign up to 

*Tax Receipt Application will be provided at the venue


Here’s Just Part Of What You’ll Learn At This Live Training:

In this 3-day intensive workshop you will:

• Identify your Brand and its core values

• Articulate your Brand and Its values

• Differentiate your Brand and stand out, not blend in

• Access preparatory strategies and tools to market your Brand

• Develop and execute a personalized plan to monetize your Brand

• Build streams of revenue and businesses seeded by your Brand

• Execute a step-by-step system to create passive income of your Brand

• Maximize the profit of your Brand

• Implement a personalized strategy of sustainable business to leverage your Brand

• Connect to your clients and audiences. Speak in front of the camera and share your value

statement/pitch for 30 seconds (and have a deliverable video at the end of the 3 day session)

Have fun!


The program includes special visualization and meditation led by


Rick Titan


Interesting Image
Win Your Brand Lead Trainers
(Meals and Coffee are included)
100% contributed to Canadian Red Cross* 
if you can not make it you can sign up to 



*Tax Receipt Application will be provided at the venue  



watch video
$100 will be contributed to Canadian Red Cross* 
if you can not make it you can sign up to 

*Tax Receipt Application will be provided at the venue  


Looking forward to seeing you there.