Tag: marketing


Business Networking and Marketing Ups and Downs

The last couple of days have been beautiful, the weather near perfect and some of us are suffering from spring fever while others are simply struggling with the pollen levels. This time of the year reminds me that summer is coming and things are about to slow down ñ in networking. I would like to take just a moment and discuss this trend and what I believe may be the cause of it.

Letís begin in the fall. At this time of the year we are working feverishly trying to procure new business because we realize that around the holidays things will slow down. As December draws near, some of us become preoccupied with things like parties and shopping and our attention turns from building our business. Others find it increasingly difficult to make contact as people begin long vacations.

Then the holidays pass. We put our marketing and networking efforts into high gear, going to several meetings a week, trying to get things cranked up again. The result is increased business and increased profits. Have you ever noticed that in the early part of February that things begin to pick up almost at a maddening pace? When this occurs, unless we are prepared for growth, we start to back off on our promotions as we scramble to complete the work that has been generated by our marketing efforts.

In effect, we stop networking. We lose contact with those we have been making and asking for referrals, and they begin to feel as if we are not interested in them any longer. When this happens, they may look for someone else to refer when that target prospect comes along.

By early to mid summer, we are starting to crawl out from under the workload and we again look for opportunities. Unfortunately, the vacations have started again as children are released from school for the summer. Thus it is very difficult once again to find the contacts that were out there just before our business picked up again late last winter.

By mid August, school is back in session and people are coming back out into the networking world again. Of course we are seeing some of the same people that were there before, but there are also a lot of new faces as well. Because we had slacked off from our promotion efforts, we were not there to greet the new faces as they started their new business. So the people who have a balanced networking and marketing strategy are there to greet them.

These are the people who have businesses that seem to be growing. They have a marketing and networking plan that is consistent year round. When many businesses are experiencing that new business rush in the spring, these business owners are ready to absorb the new business with new employees or temporary help. They realize that to maintain growth means to be ready for any upswing in the economy that could propel their business to the next level.

So how do we accomplish this? First plan for growth. Have a system ready for when you have more business than you can handle so that there is help you can call. This is managed by building relationships with temp agencies, headhunters, and placement firms. Hire people on a contractor basis if necessary. This saves money on benefits and salaries when thing are a bit slower. It also reduces the amount of paperwork when it comes to payroll processing and taxes.

Next, develop a plan for networking that is manageable. Set a goal for the amount of meetings that you would attend when business is just OK and stick to it when business gets better. Attend functions year round, even during the holiday seasons.

Plan vacations when necessary, but donít assume that everyone is going on vacation simply because it is summer. Most people have to accommodate the schedules of others and entire companies usually do not go on vacation at the same time. Notice that larger corporations always have staff on hand to do business while an employee is on vacation. Also take note that large corporations do not stop promoting just because it is the month of July or December. They are consistent year round.

The lesson here is that, if you want to grow into a large company, take a look at what large companies do. Emulate them if they are successful and you may be able to duplicate their success. You must be constantly marketing, networking and promoting to ensure consistent business year round. If you decide to slack off now because business is good, I guarantee that when autumn comes you will be working twice as hard to get things going again. If, on the other hand, you keep on consistently marketing the way you did when times were slow, you should be able to experience the growth of both your company and your bank account during the entire year.


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Are You Shooting Yourself In The Foot?

Have you ever been at a networking function talking to someone when during the conversation you felt very self-conscious trying to say the right thing? Were you afraid that maybe if you said the wrong thing the person might not find you likeable, and therefore not want to do business with you? If you have, I am about to tell you why you should not worry about it. Like the obnoxious song “Don’t Worry – Be Happy” from years ago, I want to share with you the reason why being careful about what we say works against us in the networking environment.

Our goal in business networking should be to establish new relationships and through the process of follow-up develop them over time. As with any relationship, being honest plays a very important role in that development.

When we meet someone for the first time, we want to make a good impression. Often we put on our “party face” so that we do. This can often cause us problems that we do not expect. One problem is that when we try to appear to be something that we really do not feel inside of us, we often have a fear that we are going to be “discovered”. This fear causes us to feel uncomfortable about the situation and though we may be smiling, we are really cringing inside.

Most people worry that if they just be who they are, that no one can accept them. I argue that if we do not just be ourselves, sooner or later who we really are will slip out and then we will have to deal with the consequences of being discovered. This then leads to a feeling of distrust between people.

Have you ever been in a relationship with a person of the opposite sex where you did not tell them something important early on and later had to reveal it or even worse it was revealed by accident? It leads for difficult times after that and a lot of shuffling and apologizing.

In my opinion, it is better to risk being who I am up front. To let people know exactly how I feel. People, for the most part, have a forgiving nature. They actually want to forgive. If you make a mistake and say something that can be potentially embarrassing, you can always apologize for it and be forgiven. But if you say something that is not necessarily true and are discovered later, your credibility may be permanently damaged.

If you go into a networking environment prepared to be relaxed and genuine, you will find that it is a lot more fun to be there. If you have a plan of action to really get to know people, you will be much more productive in a shorter amount of time. People will feel comfortable talking to you and you to them. In an environment of truth, more people will want to do business with you and to be around you.

Authentic enthusiasm is contagious. You will always appear to be more attractive when you are excited about what you are doing. When you are not worried about making mistakes, you will appear to be happier. Being happy about the situation will help you to smile more, and the smiling face is a natural human attractor.

So next time you attend a networking function, just be yourself. Your results will improve and you will feel better when you leave to go home. Over time, the difference will be measurable in more ways than just your income. You will find that you have more friends than you had ever imagined possible. When it comes time for the referral, your friend will remember you because friends really do refer friends.


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How to Test Niche Markets

Looking to start making money from a new blog or website? Often the best way to do this is to create a product or to sell an affiliate product – and often the most popular type of product for marketers is a digital product.

Digital products include eBooks, online courses, reports and other files and software. The great thing about these is that they have no overheads, no delivery and no storage costs; all of which means you can start making money and keeping the profit as soon as you have an audience. There’s no manufacturing to consider and you won’t need to hire a warehouse.

But while this might sound like a license to print money, it’s important to consider the amount of work involved in creating a website or blog and building a big audience for it. The very real danger here to consider is that you could spend years creating a website and building it up, only to then find that you can’t make any money from it anyway!

The brilliance behind this is that it lets you start testing your niche right away, before you’ve invested lots of time creating your own niche or building up your audience. This is what you call ‘verifying’ your business model, before you spend time and money creating it.

How to Get Started

To get started, you can find things to sell and sell them however you wish. What you’re then going to do is set up a landing page and try running Facebook ad campaigns to direct some relevant traffic there.

A good  eBook should only set you back a few hundred dollars at most and you will be able to recoup this over time. Why not create a few landing pages with a few different products to test which markets are ‘hot’ before you spend lots of time and money creating your own audience?

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The Top Types of Website/Blog You Hadn’t Considered Creating

If you’re planning on creating a website or a blog, then there’s a good chance you’re considering one of the major niches like ‘fitness’, ‘making money’ or ‘dating’.

The only problem is, these ‘big’ types of blogs are very overcrowded and if you create a new site in that niche you’re going to be going up against a lot of already established competition.

So the question is: how do you stand out with something completely new? And what other types of blog are there that you hadn’t considered?

Instead of going with a very generic and very derivative topic, why not try making something entirely new so that you will be more memorable for your visitors and so that you’ll be able to monetize in more creative ways? Read on and we’ll take a look at some of the top types of website and blog that you perhaps hadn’t already considered…

Fan Sites

Creating a fan site is a great strategy for a number of reasons. For starters, there doesn’t tend to be that much competition – particularly when compared with the bigger niches. At the same time, creating a fan site means you’ll be creating content for a highly committed and passionate audience that likely has a strong community. Head over to the ‘Doctor Who’ Google+ pages and you will see there are people there ready to eat up new content.

Career Content

Don’t have a hobby or interest? You probably at least have a job and probably that job is something that many other people share. There’s all kinds of information you can create in this field!


You can create a lot of novel type of content in the education niche. This can range from teaching other adults a new topic as you learn it, to providing research materials for students. Or why not go one step further and create a website for children? Do bear in mind though, that this will mean selling to the parents rather than the children themselves.


Not every website has to be serious! While it’s harder in some respects, you can potentially be very successful with a website that’s funny or that publishes fiction. Just look at things like XKCD!

Broad Niches

A niche can also be broad enough to encompass multiple other niches. Think of magazines like ‘Men’s Health’ or ‘Wired’. These focus on a lifestyle rather than a strict niche and cover lots of topics together as a result.

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Learn to Master Your Niche Research Skills

If you want to succeed in any given niche, then you need to offer something different that the competition isn’t already offering. This is how you stand out as different and memorable and this is how you make links ‘clickable’ and sharable.

But coming up with new content is hard. Especially in a crowded niche where there are thousands of new articles published every day!

Moreover, you’re going to have to do your research if you want to appear accurate, reliable and trustworthy too. So how do you go about mastering your research skills so that you can really stand out? You read on, that’s how!

Your Inspiration

The more information you take in, the more inspiration you put out. Without meaning to get too philosophical here, most psychologists now agree that there’s no such thing as a truly ‘original’ idea. Instead, our ideas are created when we combine different ideas we already had.

So the more information you are taking in on a regular basis, the more bits of data you will have available to recombine into something brand new.

And this shouldn’t just mean reading on the topics that you’re writing about either. Reading on different topics is also important as this way you can bring related knowledge in from other fields or combine subjects in order to come up with something completely new.

What’s more, reading other blogs and websites can give you ideas for structuring articles or spinning them that you can apply to your own work in new ways. Like that article on how to dress like a bodybuilder? How about taking it and applying it to your own niche for an article on ‘how to dress like an entrepreneur’?

Great places to get ideas and material then include:

  • Websites
  • Blogs
  • Magazines
  • Books
  • TV

Subscribe to some RSS feeds and keep reading!

Looking for News

It’s also important to try and stay up-to-date by following the latest news and developments. This sometimes means going straight to the source, which can mean reading journal studies (look for them on Google Scholar) or looking at press releases (you can find sites that collect and publish these).

Taking it Further

The truly unique and interesting stuff though comes when you start going deeper and really researching into your topic. Often this begins with asking the right questions. When you next read an article telling you about a new discovery for instance, ask why that’s true. Why does that new workout routine work so well? And what if you were to turn it up a notch or introduce a new element?

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The Biggest Impacts of Choosing a Niche

When you pick the niche for your new site, you are actually picking much more than just a niche. This decision isn’t just going to affect what you’re writing about for the lifetime of your new business – it’s also going to impact very nature of your business model and the very fabric of your website…

It can’t be overstated just how important this is for the eventual success of your blog as a whole. So to demonstrate just what a profound impact this one decision will make, read on to see some of the top areas affected by your choice…

The Look

When you choose a niche, this will almost certainly impact the design of your logo. In turn, this is likely to spill over into the look of your site if you want to strengthen your brand identity. As a result, your web design will be heavily influenced by your choice of subject matter – which is why football sites tend to be green and technology sites tend to be white/blue/silver.

The Tone

The niche you choose is also going to dictate the tone of your site and the ‘voice’ you use. A website on lifestyle for instance might have a colloquial and ‘fun’ tone of voice, as though you are speaking directly to your audience. On the other hand though, a website on finance or on medicine is going to sound a lot more professional with far more terminology.

Your Audience

This is one of the biggest ways your niche will influence your business model: once you choose your topic, you will also have decided on the type of person who is likely to read your content. In turn, this will influence the types of interactions you have on your site, the amount of loyalty your audience displays and even their disposable income.

Monetization Options

The way you monetize your website will depend on which products and adverts are available. If you’re in the ‘make money’ niche for instance, you’ll find there are tons of eBooks and courses being sold on the topic and that people are willing to spend a lot of money here, viewing it as an investment.

But on the other hand, if you’re writing about your favourite TV show, there won’t be many things you can sell without facing copyright issues – which means you’ll likely make most of your money through Amazon sales.


How to Use Pen Names to Penetrate Multiple Niches

Choosing a niche is one of the most important things you have to do when you first set out to create a blog. A niche doesn’t just impact on what you’ll be writing: it impacts your target demographic (your audience), your web design, your earning potential, the types of products and adverts you can earn from and much more.

If you get your niche right from the start, you’ll find you can quickly rise to prominence as one of the top bloggers and start earning a lot of stable income. Get it wrong and you might find that you struggle to get noticed, or that there’s no money to be made even when you start making progress.

So instead of stressing about it and letting this decision stall your progress… why not just enter multiple niches right from the start?

The Benefits of Entering More Than One Niche

There are plenty of very good reasons to try entering more than one niche and this is something that can help any blogger.

For starters, being in more than one niche is fun. It means you aren’t constantly writing content on the same topic and you won’t find you get bored of your ‘day job’ too quickly.

What’s more, being in multiple niches at once gives you resilience. In business terms, ‘resilience’ basically means that your business model is stable enough that a single thing going wrong won’t be devastating for your company. In other words, if you’re in more than one niche, it doesn’t matter if one of your websites – or even one of those industries – stops being profitable.

And on top of all this, with multiple niches you will have multiple different audiences and multiple different opportunities to start making money online.

Using a Pen Name

So how do you enter into these different niches?

One thing that can help is having more than one pen name to use on the web. Why? Because that way, your efforts in one area won’t negatively impact your efforts in another.

Having multiple blogs all on different subjects and using the same name could look as though you’re a ‘Jack of All Trades’ and expert at none. It could appear as though you’re just interested in making money rather than having a real passion for what you’re writing about. Finally, it prevents you from referencing or linking to your other blogs without it appearing biased.

So come up with a few names and enjoy writing on multiple subjects simultaneously!


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The Top Three Niches That Marketers Target

While there are countless different niches out there to make money from, three of them get more attention and are more popular than all the rest. These are:

  • Fitness
  • Making money
  • And relationships

These three topics are the most popular for new bloggers, the most hotly discussed on sites like Warrior Forum and the most ‘tried and tested’ when it comes to making big money.

So what is it about these topics that makes them so popular? And what are their big strengths and weaknesses? Let’s take a look…

Making Money

Making money online is a hugely popular niche for one big reason – it promises readers a way to escape the ‘rat race’ and to start living the lifestyle they’ve always wanted. What’s more though, it also has the advantage of being an investment for visitors. In other words, people can justify spending money on almost anything in this niche because they believe in theory they should get that money back. Their purchases are investments rather than expenses.

The make money niche also appeals directly to the sort of tech savvy individual who is likely to buy digital products – especially if they’re considering making money online.


The fitness niche is another highly popular one because it again shows people how to live the lifestyle they want. With abs and big biceps, guys believe they can get the girl, feel more confident and impress their peers – all things that appeal to all of us.

At the same time, fitness appeals to pretty much everyone giving it a hugely broad appeal. Here in lies the problem with this niche though: it is highly competitive. The best way that you can get around this is to look at a smaller sub-section of this larger audience. For instance, you might consider writing a website on fitness aimed specifically at the over 50s, or at people with diabetes.


Like fitness, dating is a subject matter that appeals to pretty much everyone – including that demographic of young professionals with lots of disposable income. This is a topic with a great emotional hook, making it one that’s very easy to sell in.

The only problem with this niche is coming up with new content. You can come up with new ‘techniques’ and look at related niches (like style and fitness) but this is a subject where very little ‘new’ information will become available otherwise.

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How to Target a Small Niche and Start Making Money FAST

Creating a blog that operates within a big popular niche is a great way to ensure you have a high potential to make money and that you can keep growing without running out of content or new visitors.

But this is only one way to approach blogging and it’s actually quite difficult. Instead then, you might want to consider making content aimed at a small niche – and as we will see, there are lots of ways that this can lead to rapid success and lots of money!

Examples of ‘Small Niches’

An example of a small niche is anything that is very specialist or that doesn’t have a broad appeal. This might mean creating a fan site for example that focusses on a ‘cult’ film. Alternatively it might mean looking at a fringe activity or a lesser-known hobby. Either way, you now have a small dedicated audience to create content for but you won’t have as much option to grow.

Benefits of Small Niches

The great thing about a small niche is that you can very quickly become an authority on your subject. Let’s say you create a website on cryptozoology (unproven animal sightings). This is a topic small enough that those who are very passionate will be actively seeking out more content. If you come along and promise to deliver X amount of content every week, then those people will be likely to subscribe as soon as they hear of you. This runs contrary to niches like fitness where people are more inclined to think ‘not another fitness site!’.

What’s more, smaller niches give you direct access to that audience, especially if there’s a strong community.

Growing Your Audience

To overcome the potential limitations of a small niche there are also more things you can do. One is to try and introduce your niche to more people. For instance, you might find that your articles on cryptozoology are sometimes interesting to those who are fans of regular zoology. Likewise, it might be interesting to people who like ghosts, forteana and the supernatural in general.

You can even try and grow the interest in your niche and spearhead a fad or trend. This way your site becomes not just a resource but also an ambassador for your passion and movement!

And if you’re really savvy, you can pick a small niche that is already on the way up. How about virtual reality for instance?

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How to Find Niches That Are On the Way ‘Up’

Many aspects of digital marketing can be compared with other money making strategies – and most specifically this includes investing in stocks and shares.

You see, in many ways, choosing a keyword or a niche is a little like investing in stocks and shares. While many people won’t approach it this way and will instead focus on making money from the big and ‘steady’ niches, the big money tends to come from taking risks on lesser known niches – just like the stock market.

Just as you can make a huge profit from betting on the right horse when trading, you can do the same with digital marketing by choosing a niche or subject matter that is currently quite small but also on the way ‘up’.

Examples of Niches That Exploded

What do we mean when we say a niche that’s going up? Basically we mean any topic that is currently not that competitive but that is heading towards world domination.

So an example of this might be CrossFit. Not so long ago, this was an unheard of activity that no one had much interest in. Now it’s the biggest trend in fitness by far and has a huge number of passionate fans. Websites that took a risk by focussing on CrossFit will right now being reaping the rewards big time. The same goes for writers who focussed on the Paleo diet. To a lesser extent you could say the same for those who took a bet on the Surface Pro line of hardware!

What niches might come to explode in future? It’s never possible to say for sure but things like Virtual Reality are likely to be big news going forward while the next fitness trend could well be ‘competitive fitness’.

How to Get it Right

Getting this right is part art, part science. Of course you can never be 100% sure that a niche will take off but you can certainly try keeping your ear to the ground to see where the buzz is being generated. And there’s nothing wrong with having multiple sites in different niches to ‘spread your bets’ (which is again is a little like creating a portfolio).

Want to get really advanced though? Then why not try to influence the next ‘big thing’ by making amazing content and generating buzz around it? Take something you truly love and then use your site to attract more people to a niche that used to be small!

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