2010, Standard Council of Canada, Award of Excellence
The SCC Award of Excellence award recognizes notable contributions made by a committee member. The nominee must have demonstrated initiative in managing and developing the process and/or solutions to the development or part thereof of a standard, consensus achievement, and/or direct contribution to a standardization and/or conformity assessment activity.
– Dr. Wael Badawy is the 2010 recipient of the SCC Award of Excellence, accompanied by SCC Chairman, Hugh Krentz (photo, right). — Courtesy of scc.ca Dr. Wael Badawy, received the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) Award of Excellence during the annual awards ceremony in Ottawa on Oct. 14, 2010. The SCC hosts these awards annually to pay tribute to its members that include a vast network of Canadian standardization experts for their outstanding contributions made to both Canadian and the international standards. The SCC notes that the nation’s standardization community can only exist as a result of the endless hours of volunteers who participate nationally, regionally and internationally to unify standards efforts. “The work of the individuals and organizations selected for these awards is a testament to what can be achieved when there is a true commitment to standardization,” said John Walter, SCC Executive Director. “My congratulations and thanks to the 2010 awards recipients as well as the nominees. Their important contributions to Canada’s National Standards System, while often unnoticed, are of tremendous value to us all, as Canadians.” Badawy was cited for the SCC Award of Excellence, an award that recognizes notable contributions made by a committee member to Canada’s standardization community. The winners of this award must demonstrate initiative in managing and developing a standard or achievement of consensus. Or, they have made a direct contribution to the standardization or conformity assessment activity. Badawy has made significant contributions as a co-authour to an international video standard known as MPEG4/H.264 in 2008 and has represented Canada in hundreds of technical meetings. He has become a world leader in video technology throughout his acedemic career and now at the helm of a technology focused company, IntelliView. His quest for video knowledge spanned throughout his education and following a career that began at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and finished at the University of Calgary. By 2003, his research created an opportunity for a spin-off company known as IntelliView where later became the CEO. With a leading researcher guiding the company, IntelliView has become a world leader in video analytics and surveillance. He continues to research serving on several standard boards. Badawy continues to contribute to international standards and has recently been invited as the Canadian participant for the International Standards Organization CAC/ISO/TC 223 and as an Expert on Working Group 5
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