Win Your Authority
97% of us receive less income than we deserve
96% of service providers charge less than they should
95% of us are leaving behind more money that we can access
Poverty is a choice—Make positive choices to learn how to establish your authority
Authority is the gateway to access more opportunities to sell your knowledge, your skills, and your products.
- Are you an expert?
- Are you a consultant?
- Are you a coach?
- Are you a speaker?
- Are you an author?
If you do not establish your authority, your competitors will take advantage of you, limiting your opportunities to make more money, and also become recognized as the authority in your field.
It is ….
Only those who are perceived to have authority that do the job; HIRED.
Only those who are perceived to have authority that sell products; SELL.
Only those who are perceived to have authority to serve; access MORE CLIENTS
You start a business because you have the authority.
You access more clients because you have the authority.
You are hired because you are recognized as the authority in this field.
Attendance in this course is limited to those who want to discover their authority, and to then monetize their authority to grow rich.
This course will provide a forum to explore, identify, and articulate your authority. The platform will only focus on authorities that can be monetized, and it will demonstrate how you can grow rich and create a passive income through your authority.
The participants will learn and apply proven techniques to identify, develop, articulate, establish, and monetize their authority within their field.
Using a proven method, the participants will learn and apply the BINARY-EXPLORETM technique to explore, identify, and maximize their authority.
Participants will learn to establish their authority before the end of the course for maximum profit. Each participant will receive a guidebook and tools to identify, develop, articulate, establish, and monetize their authority.
Register NOW
- Identify your authority and establish a monetization strategy for your authority.
- Develop tools and personalized techniques to develop, articulate, establish, and monetize your authority.
- Develop tools and personalized techniques to create a passive income seeded by your authority.
In Person (Calgary): 12 hrs (8 hrs instruction, and 4 hrs one-on-one)
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