The rhyme and reason behind ebooks
Discover why ebooks are the way to go. Earn and learn with ebooks with resale rights
To everything there is rhyme and reason
So your thinking, why ebooks?
First of all lets explain what an ebook is. An ebook is a downloadable, electronic digital version of information or a book. These digital versions are also sometimes referred to as etexts. The etext versions are usually text versions.
An ebook can come in several formats. The two most popular formats are listed below
– PDF An ebook that is in PDF format created with Adobe Acrobat and readable using Adobe Acrobat Reader available free of charge from Adobe. The format There are also a few other software products that can create PDF files as well. PDF Creator is a good example of software that can be used for digital format distribution.
– Executable There are many compiler that can create ebooks in executable format using text or html pages. Just like a webpage it can show the images and text properly formatted leaving a professional looking ebook with links.
Now the answer to the question ìWhy Ebooks?î
What are the advantages to ebooks?
– The text within the ebook can be searched by using keywords
– Loss is limited if a backup copy is kept, especially in cases of physical disaster.
– Does not require much space for storage. Compilations of ebooks are usually small in size, depending on how much content you have, of course.
– Ebooks are inexpensive to create. There are many software creators that can be purchased for $30 or less.
What are some of the disadvantages?
Some formats of ebooks do not run on all computer systems. Especially the executable files. They sometimes may not run on Mac systems.
Many ebook authors prevent copying and printing of material contained within the ebook due to theft of material. There are people who plagerize.
It is sometime difficult to find the downloaded ebook file on a computer hard drive.
Use of a computer to read these ebooks for a prolonged amount of time can be harmful to the eyes.
There are many people who have made a fortune in selling ebooks online. Even though there are disadvantages the demand for digital versions of books is very high.
Many ebooks have been created and sold with resell rights, allowing you to pocket 100% of the money.
Now you’re thinking how can I do this?
The best way to start is to find ebooks with resell rights. In this way you can earn and learn at the same time. Read the ebooks yourself to get information on how to market, how to setup a website, how to build traffic and much more.
Make it easy for me. Tell me where the ebooks are.
One of the largest sources of ebooks on many subjects is
It contains ebooks on business, cooking, self-help and much more.
Packages are the way to go though for more ebooks and low start-up.
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